Remote, Indonesia
19 days ago
Technical Architect/Senior Technical Architect - Salesforce

To get the best candidate experience, please consider applying for a maximum of 3 roles within 12 months to ensure you are not duplicating efforts.

Job Category

Customer Success

Job Details

About Salesforce

We’re Salesforce, the Customer Company, inspiring the future of business with AI+ Data +CRM. Leading with our core values, we help companies across every industry blaze new trails and connect with customers in a whole new way. And, we empower you to be a Trailblazer, too — driving your performance and career growth, charting new paths, and improving the state of the world. If you believe in business as the greatest platform for change and in companies doing well and doing good – you’ve come to the right place.

About Salesforce

We’re Salesforce, the Customer Company, inspiring the future of business with AI+ Data +CRM. Leading with our core values, we help companies across every industry blaze new trails and connect with customers in a whole new way. And, we empower you to be a Trailblazer, too — driving your performance and career growth, charting new paths, and improving the state of the world. If you believe in business as the greatest platform for change and in companies doing well and doing good– you’ve come to the right place.


Salesforce Professional Services focuses on delivering strategic engagements that define transformational opportunities and articulate clear plans for execution of change programs. We rely on our team’s expertise and specialisms to engage with executive-level customers to agree on specific business goals and actions to ignite the full value of Salesforce. Our approach considers people, process, and technology — and a successful engagement includes recommendations to the business for change to support deeper, more relevant use of the Salesforce platform.


Salesforce is currently seeking multiple Technical Architects to join our Professional Services team within the Customer Success Group (CSG). The Technical Architect serves as a strategic advisor and Salesforce product and platform expert to the company’s largest, most complex enterprise customers. 

Technical Architects collaborate with Customers and Partners during project cycles to share their extensive knowledge of the platform and product suite. Combined with their experience in technical architecture, enterprise integration, and business solution implementation, they directly drive toward the best possible solutions. They paint a solution vision, architect the system and provide guidance during the implementation. 

Technical Architects are highly effective interacting across technical and business resources from the developer level through mid-management and above and are therefore a trusted advisor for business and technology collaborators. Finally, with experience in software delivery cycles based on agile methodologies the architect supports and is in close alignment with project management activities.


Ensure scalable and standard methodology solutions to meet and exceed customer needs.

Guide the evaluation of business and technical requirements.

Build relationships with key collaborators and team members.

Act as lead architect for the overall engagement by coordinating and aligning work of multiple architects on the team.

Align with project and engagement managers to support planning and implementation in close collaboration with the customer.

Review and guide project vision and direction, implementation approach and key artefacts.

Direct early solution evaluation, including proactive management of issues and effective engagement with executives, the account team, engineering, and product management.

Where required, hands-on application configuration to meet customer needs.

Direct and mentor diverse teams, such as customers, partners, and colleagues in technical delivery aspects, as well as non-technical topics such as communication strategies or executive influence.

Fuel our internal growth by identifying, leading or contributing to internal pivotal initiatives, such as innovations, building up a strategic brand, and nurture teammates' skills by sharing knowledge.

Where required, support pre-sales activities to position Salesforce Services.

Contribute to broader goals by becoming a citizen philanthropist and give back to our communities by joining or leading volunteering activities.


Hands-on technical consulting and solution implementation experience for a major software domain (e.g. CRM, ERP, HR) as well as coding experience in object oriented languages.

Ability to analyze, design, and optimize business processes via technology and integration.

Experience in guiding customers and project members in rationalising and deploying emerging technology for business use cases.

Work independently and as part of a distributed team and a willingness to take ownership of problems.

Rapidly learn new technologies as well as strong presentation, communication and facilitation skills.

Available to travel regionally and occasionally internationally depending on customer needs.

Experience will be evaluated based on alignment to the core competencies for the role (e.g. extracurricular leadership roles, military experience, volunteer work, etc.).


A detailed understanding of Web Services, Data Modeling, and Enterprise application integration concepts, including experience with enterprise integration tools (ESBs and/or ETL tools), and common integration design patterns with enterprise systems (e.g. CMS, ERP, HRIS, DWH/DM).

Ability to build and maintain key relationships with C-level / mid level and key decision makers.

Experience as a Senior Architect and/or CTO in a mid to large sized organisation with leadership driving an organisational transformation in a matrixed organisation.

Experience of defining and delivering enterprise applications on the Salesforce Platform including coded solutions.

NOTE: By applying to the Technical Architect posting, recruiters and hiring managers across the organization hiring Technical Architects will review your resume. Our goal is for you to apply once and have your resume reviewed by multiple hiring teams.


Comprehensive benefits package including well-being reimbursement, generous parental leave, adoption assistance, fertility benefits, and more!

World-class enablement and on-demand training with

Exposure to executive thought leaders and regular 1:1 coaching with leadership

Volunteer opportunities and participation in our 1:1:1 model for giving back to the community

For more details, visit

In school, or graduated within the past 12 months? Please visit FutureForce for opportunities.

Tentang Salesforce

Kami adalah Salesforce, Perusahaan Pelanggan, yang menginspirasi masa depan bisnis dengan AI + Data + CRM. Memimpin dengan nilai-nilai inti kami, kami membantu perusahaan di setiap industri untuk merintis jalan baru dan terhubung dengan pelanggan dengan cara yang benar-benar baru. Dan, kami memberdayakan Anda untuk menjadi Trailblazer juga - mendorong kinerja dan pertumbuhan karier Anda, memetakan jalur baru, dan meningkatkan keadaan dunia. Jika Anda percaya bahwa bisnis adalah platform terbesar untuk perubahan dan bahwa perusahaan yang bekerja dengan baik dan melakukan hal yang baik - Anda datang ke tempat yang tepat.


Salesforce saat ini sedang mencari beberapa Technical Architect untuk bergabung dengan tim Layanan Profesional kami dalam Customer Success Group (CSG). Technical Architect berperan sebagai penasihat strategis dan pakar produk dan platform Salesforce untuk pelanggan perusahaan terbesar dan paling kompleks di perusahaan. 

Technical Architect berkolaborasi dengan Pelanggan dan Mitra selama siklus proyek untuk membagikan pengetahuan mereka yang luas tentang platform dan rangkaian produk Dikombinasikan dengan pengalaman mereka dalam arsitektur teknis, integrasi perusahaan, dan implementasi solusi bisnis, mereka secara langsung mengarahkan pada solusi terbaik. Mereka menggambarkan visi solusi, merancang sistem, dan memberikan panduan selama implementasi. 

Technical Architect sangat efektif dalam berinteraksi dengan sumber daya teknis dan bisnis dari tingkat pengembang hingga manajemen menengah ke atas, sehingga menjadi penasihat tepercaya bagi kolaborator bisnis dan teknologi. Terakhir, dengan pengalaman dalam siklus pengiriman perangkat lunak berdasarkan metodologi tangkas, arsitek mendukung dan selaras dengan aktivitas manajemen proyek.


Memastikan solusi metodologi yang terukur dan standar untuk memenuhi dan melampaui kebutuhan pelanggan.

Memandu evaluasi persyaratan bisnis dan teknis.

Membangun hubungan dengan kolaborator utama dan anggota tim.

Bertindak sebagai arsitek utama untuk keseluruhan keterlibatan dengan mengoordinasikan dan menyelaraskan pekerjaan beberapa arsitek dalam tim.

Menyelaraskan diri dengan manajer proyek dan keterlibatan untuk mendukung perencanaan dan implementasi dalam kolaborasi yang erat dengan pelanggan.

Meninjau dan memandu visi dan arahan proyek, pendekatan implementasi, dan artefak utama.

Mengarahkan evaluasi solusi awal, termasuk manajemen masalah secara proaktif dan keterlibatan yang efektif dengan para eksekutif, tim akun, teknik, dan manajemen produk.

Jika diperlukan, konfigurasi aplikasi langsung untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan.

Mengarahkan dan membimbing tim yang beragam, seperti pelanggan, mitra, dan kolega dalam aspek pengiriman teknis, serta topik non-teknis seperti strategi komunikasi atau pengaruh eksekutif.

Mendorong pertumbuhan internal kami dengan mengidentifikasi, memimpin, atau berkontribusi pada inisiatif penting internal, seperti inovasi, membangun merek strategis, dan memupuk keterampilan rekan satu tim dengan berbagi pengetahuan.

Jika diperlukan, mendukung aktivitas pra-penjualan untuk memposisikan Salesforce Services.

Berkontribusi pada tujuan yang lebih luas dengan menjadi dermawan masyarakat dan memberikan kembali kepada komunitas kita dengan bergabung atau memimpin kegiatan sukarela.


Pengalaman konsultasi teknis dan implementasi solusi untuk domain perangkat lunak utama (mis. CRM, ERP, SDM) serta pengalaman pengkodean dalam bahasa berorientasi objek.

Kemampuan untuk menganalisis, merancang, dan mengoptimalkan proses bisnis melalui teknologi dan integrasi.

Pengalaman dalam memandu pelanggan dan anggota proyek dalam merasionalisasi dan menerapkan teknologi baru untuk kasus penggunaan bisnis.

Bekerja secara mandiri dan sebagai bagian dari tim yang terdistribusi dan kemauan untuk mengambil alih tanggung jawab atas masalah.

Mempelajari teknologi baru dengan cepat serta memiliki keterampilan presentasi, komunikasi, dan fasilitasi yang kuat.

Bersedia melakukan perjalanan regional dan sesekali internasional tergantung pada kebutuhan pelanggan.

Pengalaman akan dievaluasi berdasarkan keselarasan dengan kompetensi inti untuk peran tersebut (misalnya peran kepemimpinan ekstrakurikuler, pengalaman militer, kerja sukarela, dll.).

CATATAN: Dengan melamar lowongan Technial Architect, perekrut dan manajer perekrutan di seluruh organisasi yang mempekerjakan Technical Architect akan meninjau resume Anda. Tujuan kami adalah agar Anda melamar sekali dan resume Anda ditinjau oleh beberapa tim perekrutan.


Paket tunjangan komprehensif termasuk penggantian biaya kesehatan, cuti orang tua yang murah hati, bantuan adopsi, tunjangan kesuburan, dan banyak lagi!

Pemberdayaan kelas dunia dan pelatihan sesuai permintaan dengan

Paparan dari para pemimpin eksekutif dan pelatihan 1:1 secara rutin dengan para pimpinan

Kesempatan menjadi sukarelawan dan berpartisipasi dalam model 1:1:1 kami untuk memberi kembali kepada masyarakat

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, kunjungi

Masih bersekolah, atau telah lulus dalam 12 bulan terakhir? Silakan kunjungi FutureForce untuk mengetahui peluangnya.


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Posting Statement

At Salesforce we believe that the business of business is to improve the state of our world. Each of us has a responsibility to drive Equality in our communities and workplaces. We are committed to creating a workforce that reflects society through inclusive programs and initiatives such as equal pay, employee resource groups, inclusive benefits, and more. Learn more about Equality at and explore our company benefits at

Salesforce is an Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer. Qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender perception or identity, national origin, age, marital status, protected veteran status, or disability status. Salesforce does not accept unsolicited headhunter and agency resumes. Salesforce will not pay any third-party agency or company that does not have a signed agreement with Salesforce.

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