Bratislava, SVK
76 days ago
Vedúca/vedúci oddelenia pracovného prostredia
A clean and safe environment is a pre-requisite for health and quality of life. Eurofins contributes to this by providing market-leading laboratory testing, monitoring and consultancy services to a wide range of industrial companies, environmental consultants, contractors, retailers and government authorities. Our services comprise testing of water, air, soil, waste and other products to assess their quality and impact on health and the environment. Vedúca oddelenia Pracovného prostredia /Fyzikálne a chemické faktory/ • riadenie a koordinácia pracovných úloh k úspešnému fungovaniu oddelenia pracovného prostredia, • spracovávanie dokumentov potrebných k zavedeným akreditovaným skúškam, • sledovanie a aplikácia legislatívnych predpisov, • aktívna komunikácia so zákazníkom pri tvorbe cenovej ponuky ako aj návrh vhodného postupu pri objektivizácii pracovného prostredia, • dohliadanie nad dohodnutými bodmi zákazky, ich finalizácia a nasledna prezentácia zákazníkovi, • obhliadka pracoviska priamo u zákazníka  ak je vyziadana resp. potrebna • sledovania efektivity oddelenia • sledovanie finančných cieľov a rozpočtu oddelenia • aktívna komunikácia a spolupráca v rámci holdingu Eurofins Požiadavky : prax v PZS resp príbuznej inštitúcii min 3 roky ,AJ, samostatnosť , flexibilnosť, synergia Plat : 1800 + v závislosti od praxe a hlavne individuálnych schopností Vzdelanie - VŠ 2 stupňa zameranie technické Eurofins Scientific is an international life sciences company, providing a unique range of analytical testing services to clients across multiple industries, to make life and our environment safer, healthier and more sustainable. From the food you eat, to the water you drink, to the medicines you rely on, Eurofins works with the biggest companies in the world to ensure the products they supply are safe, their ingredients are authentic and labelling is accurate. Eurofins believes it is a global leader in food, environmental, pharmaceutical and cosmetics products testing and in agroscience CRO services. It is also one of the global independent market leaders in certain testing and laboratory services for genomics, discovery pharmacology, forensics, CDMO, advanced material sciences and in the support of clinical studies. In over just 30 years, Eurofins has grown from one laboratory in Nantes, France to over 58,000 staff across a network over 1 000  independent companies in over 54 countries and operating more than 900 laboratories. Eurofins offers a portfolio of over 200,000 analytical methods to evaluate the safety, identity, composition, authenticity, origin, traceability and purity of biological substances and products, as well as providing innovative clinical diagnostic testing services, as one of the leading global emerging players in specialised clinical diagnostics testing. In 2021, Eurofins generated total revenues of EUR 6,7 billion, and has benn among the best performing stocks in Europe over the past 20 years.      
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